Contribute to Graduate Teaching Excellence

The CTI now includes a Teaching Spotlight on our website, featuring voices from across the Cornell community talking about teaching, and we want to include graduate teaching assistants in the voices we represent as well.

We’d like to invite you to create a short video (3 minutes max) on the question, "What has teaching at Cornell meant to you?" To do this, we’ve set up a Canvas course that will allow you to record a video easily through Flip. There are instructions provided in the Canvas course on how to create a video with Flip. Please note that you may be required to use the Google Chrome browser to successfully access the app. 

How does it work?

Contributing to Graduate Teaching Excellence requires only that you reflect on your teaching experience at Cornell. We do not intend for you to spend a lot of time producing a video, but rather to tell the story of your experience in the classroom. We collect the videos you create, and post them in the Graduate Teaching Excellence section of our Teaching Spotlight.

Ways to contribute

  1. We have developed a submission site, that allows you to record your own video online using your computer and webcam.
    • Visit the Graduate Teaching Excellence submission site (this will take you to a Canvas course)
    • On the submission site, you will have the opportunity to record a video response to the following prompt:
      • What has teaching at Cornell meant to you?
    • These instructions and tips will guide you through the process of creating a video on the submission site
    • How do I make a nice video?
  2. Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak about your experience directly with us, please contact us, and we would be happy to interview you in our studio.

Please contact the Center with any questions or for more information about Graduate Teaching Excellence.