Preparing for the End of the Semester

Checklists & FAQs from the Learning Technologies Resource Library

Process Checklist: Wrapping up the Semester
There are many tasks involved in wrapping up a course as the semester winds down. Please see our recommended steps below to wrapping up a course.

Process Checklist: Grading
There are several tasks involved in grading assessments and delivering grades to students. Here, find our recommended steps for successfully delivering grades in Canvas.

Canvas Grading FAQs
Have questions about grading? Check out our Grading FAQ to find answers to common questions about grading in Canvas and Canvas’ Gradebook. 

The Learning Technologies Resource Library hosts a collection of resources designed to help instructors quickly and efficiently explore learning technologies.

Additional Grading Resources 

Strategies for Keeping Grading Manageable
The time and effort required to keep up with grading can be daunting. Here, find strategies for structuring your assessments in ways that can help to alleviate some of these pressures.

Disruptions to Grading
Sometimes, the unexpected happens, which might require a quick change in a final from how it was originally planned. Here, find several tools that can be used that may help ease the stress of these situations.

For more grading and assessment strategies, see Assessment & Evaluation