Contribute to Faculty Voices on Teaching

Faculty Voices on Teaching highlights successful ideas and strategies from instructors throughout the Cornell community. Faculty have the opportunity to create a short video (up to 3 minutes) in which they talk about a teaching strategy that has worked well for them.

We see this program as part of the ongoing dialogue across the university about ways to enhance student learning. While many other programs seek to highlight large-scale course or curriculum design projects, this is an opportunity to explore small ideas that have had a real impact on teaching & learning. We invite you to share your ideas and strategies, and in the process, gain insight from ideas shared by your peers.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak about your experience directly with us, please contact us, and we would be happy to interview you in our studio.

How does it work?

Contributing to Faculty Voices on Teaching requires only that you have a teaching idea that you found successful, in your experience. We do not intend for you to spend a lot of time producing a video of your strategy, but simply to tell the story of "what worked" for you in the classroom. We collect the videos you create and post them in the Faculty Voices on Teaching section of our Teaching Spotlight.

Ways to contribute

  1. We have developed a submission site, that allows you to record your own video online using your computer and webcam.
    • Visit the Faculty Voices on Teaching submission site (this will take you to a Canvas course. Please note that you may be required to use the Google Chrome browser to successfully access the Flip app to record your video).
    • On the submission site, you will have the opportunity to record a video response to one of the following prompts:
      • What is one online teaching strategy you discovered that you want to bring back into the physical classroom?
      • What is one learning technology that you have found useful and would like to use again?
      • What is one strategy or tool you used to help students connect with course material while teaching online?
    • These instructions and tips will guide you through the process of creating a video on the submission site. 
    • How do I make a nice video?
  2. Alternatively, if you would prefer to speak about your experience directly with us, please contact us, and we would be happy to interview you in our studio.

Please contact the Center with any questions or for more information about Faculty Voices on Teaching.