
Explore teaching ideas that are new to you, new to a few, new to many, or new to all

Innovation is one of five key synergistic and often interdependent domains–along with diversity, technology, evidence-based teaching, and assessment & evaluation–that guide the resources, services, and mission of the CTI.

To us, innovation is relative and expansive. It encompasses anything that instructors want to newly integrate into their classroom to enhance student learning. This might include introducing new educational technologies, experimenting with active learning strategies, introducing inclusive course design principles, and more.

Innovation Programming

A student wears virtual reality googles

Innovative Teaching & Learning Awards 

The Center invites the Cornell teaching community to propose projects that explore new tools and emerging technologies, approaches, and teaching strategies to facilitate vibrant, challenging, and reflective learning experiences at Cornell.

The CTI has funded a wide range of faculty projects through the Innovative Teaching & Learning Awards.  

What does innovation in teaching look like to you? (Poppy McLeod)