Evidence-Based Teaching

Integrate teaching strategies guided by the research on how people learn

Evidence-based teaching is one of five key synergistic and often interdependent domains–along with innovation, diversity, technology, and assessment & evaluation–that guide the resources, services, and mission of the CTI.


Evidence-based research on teaching and learning is the backbone of CTI services. Empirical research on an array of pedagogies has helped illuminate which strategies are most likely to positively increase learning outcomes. By focusing on the diffusion and implementation of these proven methods, we increasingly create student-centered learning environments. In our programs and services, we guide instructors to such proven approaches.

Evidence-Based Teaching Programming

Faculty interacting with students during class

Teaching Resources

Visit our Teaching Resources pages to see how the Center supports instructors in designing, implementing, and assessing inclusive, student-centered learning environments. 


Faculty lecturing in a large classroom

Course Design Institute

The Course Design Institute is a two-day institute of working sessions, guided discussions, and networking events led by Cornell faculty and CTI staff that focus on course design, promoting student engagement and active learning, evaluating student learning, and syllabus design.



New Faculty Teaching Academy 

The New Faculty Teaching Academy is a series of workshops over one day in which participants practice and build teaching skills, discuss ways to balance scholarship and teaching and connect with a strong faculty network. 




Active Learning Initiative

The Active Learning Initiative supports departments in redesigning their courses to implement research-based active learning strategies and to create sustainable improvements to undergraduate education at Cornell. 

Michelle Smith on Active Learning